Bicycle leasing
Here you will find everything about the ABC of bicycle leasing: how it works, the flexible remuneration system and the tax benefits, both for employer and employee.
Bicycle leasing
Bicycle leasing as a popular fringe benefit in Belgium
4 min leestijd
As a HR manager or employer, you aim to achieve a smart wage policy with an attractive salary package that is optimised as much as possible. Fringe benefits, such as bicycle leasing, the popular fringe benefit in Belgium, remain in demand for both companies and employees. In this article, we will talk about bicycle leasing as a fringe benefit, on top of the many other advantages it offers your company.
Bicycle leasing
Bicycle leasing in your cafeteria plan: totally digital and with no worries!
3 min leestijd
More and more companies are working with a cafeteria plan to provide flexible pay for their employees. This allows you as an employer to easily respond to the needs of every employee, raising their satisfaction. Whereas the popularity of cars in the cafeteria plan is dropping, more and more employees are choosing a bicycle. Would you like to include bicycle leasing as a popular fringe benefit in your cafeteria plan? How to do so, we explain in this blog.
Bicycle leasing
4 tips for a successful bicycle leasing story for your business
2 min leestijd
Bicycle leasing is booming. And that's no surprise, given that it is very fiscally lucrative for your employees. What’s even better is knowing your employees are properly informed when it comes to bicycle leasing. As an employer, you also help ensure that your employees know exactly what bicycle leasing is all about, as well as their rights and obligations. With the 4 tips listed in this blog, you can ensure smooth bicycle leasing for your employees!
Bicycle leasing, Cycling fun
The service budget from A to Z
4 min leestijd
If you take a lease bike, it is very important that you send your two-wheeled companion on a regular maintenance. Fortunately, there is also a tax-efficient way to pay for this maintenance: the service budget. In this blog, we'll tell you what the service budget is, what you can use it for, and how you can determine yourself how much of it you need.
Bicycle leasing
Why does bicycle leasing hold tax benefits for employers?
1 min leestijd
When talking about the tax benefit of bicycle leasing, it is not specifically about one benefit. The government provides a diverse pallet of measures, allowing companies to encourage their employees to cycle to work more often in many different ways. Discover the tax benefits listed here.
Bicycle leasing, Cycling fun
How much does a lease bicycle cost?
4 min leestijd
How much does such a lease bicycle actually cost? Can you simulate this for any bike? Here, we compile all the essential information on bicycle leasing and provide some concrete examples!
Bicycle leasing
Why does leasing a bicycle through your employer offer so many tax benefits?
2 min leestijd
If you lease a bike through your employer, you enjoy a lot of tax advantages compared to buying the same bicycle privately. But how exactly does this work and why is bicycle leasing so fiscally advantageous for you as an employee? You can find out in this blog.
Bicycle leasing
What are the effects of bicycle leasing on your pension and other social benefits?
2 min leestijd
How big is the impact of bicycle leasing on calculating your pension, end-of-year bonus or unemployment benefit? o2o found out for you in this blog post.
Bicycle leasing
How to become an ‘Employer of choice’?
4 min leestijd
In today's war for talent, every employer is competing to attract the right people. To make yourself attractive as an employer, it is particularly important to create a strong corporate brand. Curious to know how you can win the battle to become the preferred 'Employer of choice'? You will discover all about it in our blog.
Bicycle leasing, Mobility
The 2024 bicycle allowance: everything you need to know
3 min leestijd
Do you do all or part of your commuting to work by bicycle? If so, you’re entitled to a bicycle allowance! Find out here exactly what a bicycle allowance is, what the conditions are, and how much you can get as a bicycle allowance in 2024.
Bicycle leasing
What is bicycle leasing?
2 min leestijd
What exactly is bicycle leasing? And how does it work? In this blog, we explain it all to you! From flexibilising your employees' wages to integrating with cafeteria plans and the content of a lease package: everything is covered!
Bicycle leasing
4 tips to create a cycling culture within your company
2 min leestijd
Bicycle leasing for your employees it is a sustainable choice, a boost for the physical and mental health of your colleagues and it is financially interesting. But, how to go the extra mile as an employer to make sure your employees consciously choose that bike for their commute? In short, how do you install a real cycling culture in your company? With our 4 golden tips, we’d like to get you started.