
Cycling stories

Be inspired by the cycling stories of our customers and discover why both employers and employees are so enthusiastic about bicycle leasing.

Cycling stories

City dweller Anton’s bike: the Cowboy Classic Performance

3 min leestijd

Is Cowboy a bike brand that suits you? Find out in this blog who Anton is and why he chose a Cowboy. Do you resemble Anton and have completely similar cycling needs? Then who knows, maybe such a graceful Cowboy is the right choice for you!

Cycling stories

Spending more hours in the saddle than in the car: discover Josefien’s cycling ambition

3 min leestijd

Since leasing her handy Yuba cargo bike through o2o, Josefien has been able to push her boundaries further and further. What started as a plan to cycle to work one day a week soon grew into cycling several days a week, no matter the weather. Want to know the reason behind Josefien's motivation to cycle to work? Read her inspiring cycling story here.

Cycling stories

OTA Insight smoothly on the pedals with o2o Bicycle Leasing

1 min leestijd

At OTA Insight, they prioritize the well-being of their employees, both physically and mentally. So when the question of bicycle leasing for employees popped up, it was an obvious choice to look for a bicycle leasing partner. Why are they so excited about o2o Bicycle leasing at OTA Insight? Reno is happy to explain it to you.

Cycling stories

Bicycle leasing through o2o Bicycle Leasing as accessible as it is easy to implement

3 min leestijd

Bij OTA Insight leggen ze de nadruk op het welzijn van hun werknemers, zowel fysiek als mentaal. Toen de werknemers vroegen naar fietsleasing, was het voor hen dan ook een no-brainer om een fietsleasepartner te zoeken. Waarom ze bij OTA Insight zo enthousiast zijn over o2o fietsleasing? Reno legt het jou graag uit.

Cycling stories

60 km of pure joy: discover Dirk’s inspiring cycling story

2 min leestijd

Dirk has been cycling to work almost every day for a number of years, using his speedy speed pedelec to effortlessly cover the 60 km round trip. Want to know why Dirk opted for a lease bike, along with where he gets his motivation to pedal so many kilometres every day? Read his cycling story here.

Cycling stories

Renson breathes cycling: nearly one out of five employees chooses bicycle leasing

2 min leestijd

The addition of bicycle leasing to the salary package gives the employee health of Renson a boost. And this was clearly well received, because in the meantime almost one out of five employees of the Waregem company is riding a lease bicycle.

Cycling stories

Good for both your wallet and your health: Wesley’s cycling motivation

2 min leestijd

Cycling to work? Until recently, that didn't appeal to Wesley one bit. But that all changed when he was able to lease a bicycle inexpensively from his employer through o2o. He tested out the Ellio speed pedelec at the kick-off event... and it was love at first sight! Find out his cycling story here.

Cycling stories

From cargo bike to speed pedelec: how a cafeteria plan sparked an entire cycling movement

3 min leestijd

The West Flemish IT company ConXioN has about 100 employees on its payroll and the o2o bicycle plan is particularly well received. When you start a cafeteria plan, you have to think of it as an investment. It's quite an intensive process, but an immense addition to your salary package. The outcome is totally worth it, as you put a big smile on your employees' faces. And satisfied employees, that's what we do it for!

Cycling stories

Innovative drying room in UZ Ghent spoils cyclists in the rain

3 min leestijd

UZ Ghent is fan of an active cycling culture, because employees who cycle have a physical and mental advantage. Regular exercise is therefore a major advantage for caregivers who give the best of themselves day in and day out. In addition, traffic and parking problems in and around the hospital are greatly reduced when more […]

Cycling stories

Bicycle leasing popular in AG Insurance cafetaria plan

2 min leestijd

“The interest is overwhelming! Not only our own personnel department, but also our employees and the unions were truly interested. Offering a company bicycle via the cafetaria plan was really the right choice we’ve made”. Aline Tignon and Magali Bogaert explain why starting-up a bicycle leasing was the logical step to take for AG Insurance.

Are you looking for a bicycle leasing partner who takes away your worries,develops a clear cycling policy and provides a perfect bicycle leasing service for your employees?