

Cycling is choosing for a sustainable mobility. Discover in these articles what is going on in the Belgian mobility landscape, updates in the traffic regulations and the right to a bicycle allowance through your employer.


Where do you store your steel steed when space is at a premium?

4 min leestijd

You would like to lease a bicycle, but you are hesitant because you have no place to put it. Or you already have a lease bicycle and you don't know where to store it safely. Sounds familiar? It probably does for those who have a house or apartment that does not have a garage, storage room, spacious entrance hall or other place where you can easily store your bicycle. Fortunately, we can give 7 possible solutions to your storage problem here – and yes, we have also thought of those who rent a property!


Small print, big impact: secure your bicycle properly

4 min leestijd

Your two-wheeled companion is probably very dear to you and you want to protect it from theft as much as possible. And should it be stolen, you'd want it to be covered against theft, so your hard-earned cash doesn't just go to waste. We read the small print in the theft coverage for you, and what did we find? Proper securing is essential to guarantee that your bicycle is covered in the event of theft! So how do you properly secure your bicycle? We'll explain that to you here!


How often do I need to maintain my lease bicycle?

3 min leestijd

Maintenance is not the sole preserve of cars; it is also the lifeblood of every bicycle. Even the most impressive bike needs a little love every now and then. But why and how often is it best to maintain your bicycle? Can you do it yourself, or do you go to a bike shop? You can find an answer to all these questions in this blog!


Leasing a speed pedelec: the 8 most-chosen brands for 2023

3 min leestijd

Which brands of speed pedelecs do our o2o cyclists lease most often? An important question, because if so many people choose a brand, it must be pretty decent! Are you finding it stressful choosing or are you hesitating between two brands? Then this blog can definitely help you.


Helena’s happy cycling vibe: how having an e-bike changed her life

3 min leestijd

Helena won an o2o competition to test out an e-bike for a month. Even from her very first ride, her mindset had completely changed, and she has since become inseparable from her Riese & Müller city bike. The freedom, the feeling of relaxation, the sense of ease... Helena's simply radiating happy cycling vibes and she is happy to share them with other cyclists. Check out her enthusiastic story in this blog.


Sustainable business with government support

3 min leestijd

Did you know that, as a company, you can benefit from various subsidies and support measures when investing in sustainable mobility? From a covered bicycle shed or a changing and shower room to offering company bikes for your staff, there are many possibilities. This way, you help reduce CO2 emissions and improve air quality. Because leaving the car at home and pedalling regularly really does make a difference to our climate.

Cycling fun, Mobility

Cycling safely with a speed pedelec: check out our tips

3 min leestijd

More and more employees are opting for a fast electric bicycle when leasing a bike, which statistically increases the risk of an accident. o2o therefore gives you the most important tips to avoid accidents among your employees.

Bicycle leasing, Mobility

The 2024 bicycle allowance: everything you need to know

3 min leestijd

Do you do all or part of your commuting to work by bicycle? If so, you’re entitled to a bicycle allowance! Find out here exactly what a bicycle allowance is, what the conditions are, and how much you can get as a bicycle allowance in 2024.


Combo-mobility, a no-brainer yes or no?

3 min leestijd

A smart move, what does that entail actually? Away from the traffic jams! The high fuel prices make us think about alternatives to the car. Even for those who don't want to depend on their bicycle every day or for those who have to cover a longer route, we have a solution: combo mobility.

Are you looking for a bicycle leasing partner who takes away your worries,develops a clear cycling policy and provides a perfect bicycle leasing service for your employees?