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Bicycle leasing through o2o Bicycle Leasing as accessible as it is easy to implement

David, Talent Coach at vdk bank , would recommend any company to choose o2o Bicycle Leasing for their bicycle leasing needs. In this article, he explains why vdk bank opted for bicycle leasing, the benefits it brings and how they would rate our partnership to date.

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December 2021

Why did vdk bank opt for bicycle leasing?

Commitment to sustainable mobility

As a medium-sized Belgian bank with over 100 years of commitment to sustainable practices, vdk bank believes it is important to inspire employees in making sustainable choices when it comes to their mobility. ‘Naturally, we want to give our employees options in this regard. Bicycle leasing is a very logical choice, especially when we consider that many employees live close to our branches or headquarters’, explains David.

‘With cycling, employees have no traffic jams, thereby reducing commute times and eliminating any associated stress. And that certainly makes for a happier workplace!’

A strong employer brand

‘When it comes to our employer brand, bicycle leasing is a huge plus. In preliminary interviews, candidates often respond enthusiastically to the prospect of bicycle leasing.’ As for current employees, they were delighted at the news. ‘Many of our colleagues already cycled to work. Through the tax benefit offered by bicycle leasing, they now have access to a high-quality bicycle that suits their every need.’

With such high-quality bicycles, not only has vdk employees’ level of comfort improved, but also their work-life balance. ‘With cycling, employees have no traffic jams, thereby reducing commute times and eliminating any associated stress. And that certainly makes for a happier workplace!’



Why was o2o the ideal partner for vdk bank?

Local bicycle retailers and a wide array of bicycles to choose from

What made vdk bank choose o2o Bicycle Leasing as their ideal leasing partner? ‘There were several reasons behind this decision’, explains David. ‘As a bank that is committed to all things local, o2o’s commitment to partnering up with local bicycle retailers aligns perfectly with our company ethos.’

The wide range of bicycles, counting over 580 brands, is also a big plus for vdk bank. ‘Employees are able to choose a bicycle that suits their needs at that moment in their lives. In short, they are getting a bicycle to suit their personal taste’, explains David. ‘Of course, the fact that we clicked with o2o from our very first interaction was also a great sign.’


vdk bank fietsleasing 2
© Liese Lattrez

Easy digital fleet management

What’s more, o2o’s digital approach to fleet management also greatly appealed to vdk bank. ‘Thanks to o2o’s tools, managing our fleet of bicycles takes next to no time at all. Add to that o2o’s simple approach, which enables me to explain everything to my colleagues in a matter of minutes, and you can immediately understand why we chose o2o’, explains David enthusiastically.

Would you also like to start leasing your bike with o2o Bicycle Leasing?

Inspired by the vdk bank case and ready to hear more about bicycle leasing with o2o? We look forward to welcoming you to our package. Contact us so that we can discuss what bike leasing could be for your company!

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How easy was it to start leasing through o2o?

Super easy! Obviously, you need to get bicycle leasing right from the start’, says David. At o2o, this is something we know all too well. That is why we put a lot of effort into unburdening companies, not only in monitoring their bicycle fleet, but also in implementing the bicycle leasing itself.

This was true of David’s experience, too: ‘From the very start, I was able to count on o2o. For instance, they ensure for the provision of tailored cycling policies and addenda to add to our employment contracts. This makes bicycle leasing via o2o really accessible and easy to implement.’

What is vdk bank’s employees’ experience of bicycle leasing to date?

If David is to be believed, his vdk bank colleagues are very upbeat at the opportunity for bicycle leasing. ‘Over one in five employees already use bicycle leasing, and we are well on our way towards the 25% mark’, asserts David. ‘More often than not, colleagues themselves tend to be the best ambassadors for bicycle leasing, encouraging others to take the plunge.’

Beyond its employees, vdk bank is committed to promoting cycling as a whole. For instance, they are exploring the provision of additional cycling infrastructure, such as changing facilities and bicycle storage with integrated charging points. Something that we at o2o can only applaud!


Want to start bicycle leasing?

If he had time, David would call you personally to convince you as to the virtues of bicycle leasing. Alas, his role as Talent Coach at vdk bank means he is far too busy for all that. Still, did he manage to pique your interest? Or are you already all set to start bicycle leasing?

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